Minnesota Addiction Professionals

MnAP is the Minnesota affiliate of NAADAC, the Association

of Addiction Professionals, serving addiction and recovery professionals statewide.

Mission and Purpose

Minnesota Addiction Professionals (MNAP) is the state affiliate association of NAADAC - the Association for Addiction Professionals. NAADAC is the premier global association of addiction-focused professionals who enhance the health and

recovery of individuals, families and communities.

Minnesota Addiction Professionals' purpose and mission is to lead, unify and empower addiction-focused professionals

to achieve excellence through education, advocacy, knowledge, standards of practice, ethics, professional

development and research.

Our Services


Become a member of MNAP


Events, training


Our mission is to lead, unify and empower addiction-focused professionals to achieve excellence through education, advocacy, knowledge, standards of practice, ethics, professional development and research.

A Minnesota non-profit serving addiction recovery professionals

News & Events

The Rural SUD Workforce: Recruit, Retain, Sustain

2023 Minority Fellowship Recipients

& MNAP Board Members

Minnesota Addiction Professionals

PO Box 7334

St Paul, MN 55107


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